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Exceptional Quotes

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If someone really takes a risk, it doesn’t get dismissed. That’s what happened when the Oscar was won posthumously by Heath Ledger, who did one of the definitive villain performances of all time. But it really has to be exceptional in defining everything we previously knew about the actress or the actor.  (Exceptional Quotes) Unfortunately, goodness and honor are rather the exception than the rule among exceptional men, not to speak of geniuses.  (Exceptional Quotes) I think monogamy is a little unnatural, if I’m totally honest. You change. Things alter. It’s the exception rather than the rule and I think it’s exceptional to cope with it and manage it. It’s hard work.  (Exceptional Quotes) Think, dream and expect great things. For would you rather be correct in your perception? Or would you rather be exceptional in your life?  (Exceptional Quotes) Nothing in modern attitudes is believed more to signify exceptional intelligence than association with large pools of money. Only immediate experience with those so situated denies the myth.  (Exceptional Quotes) In your goals to go the extra mile, prepare to pay an extra cost. Excellence is to be exceptional, surpassing, more competent and a step ahead with what is in your hands.  (Exceptional Quotes) I make extra-ordinary impact! I effect exceptional changes; I am not ordinary;I make a SUCCESS  (Exceptional Quotes) Faith and patience are exceptional virtues in those that suffer. Patience is the fruit and evidence of faith.  (Exceptional Quotes) Instead of giving a firm foundation for setting the conscience of man at rest forever, Thou didst choose all that is exceptional, vague and enigmatic.  (Exceptional Quotes) Communism was something so hideous that you had to be an exceptional conformist or a fool not to see the evil around you.  (Exceptional Quotes) It was a limitation of human consciousness: We live only in the future and past, we cannot perceive now. Now occupies no space, a hypothetical gap between future and past. Only an exceptional few could feel now athletes and jazzmen and, yes, thieves...  (Exceptional Quotes) I never wanted to do away with my intensity because I felt it was a gift that helped put fuel in my engine, giving me exceptional drive and energy.  (Exceptional Quotes) I believe that good investors are successful not because of their IQ, but because they have an investing discipline. But, what is more disciplined than a machine? A well-researched machine can make many average investors redundant, leaving behind only the really good human investors with exceptional intuition and skill.  (Exceptional Quotes) God does not love us because we are lovable, have a pleasing personality or a good sense of humor, or at rare times show exceptional kindness. In spite of who we are and what we have done, God wants to pour out His love on us, for the unlovable are also precious unto Him.  (Exceptional Quotes) I started to book good television jobs in 2010. I started to get really close to exceptional jobs in 2011, and then I got ‘Arrow’ in 2012. I know how lucky I am because just getting the lead in a pilot doesn’t guarantee that that pilot is going to turn into something great.  (Exceptional Quotes) I see the Baldrige process as a powerful set of mechanisms for disciplined people engaged in disciplined thought and taking disciplined action to create great organizations that produce exceptional results.  (Exceptional Quotes) Your greatest asset is your learning ability. The ordinary stroke their egos - the exceptional polishes their craft  (Exceptional Quotes) I know how I felt when I saw things like ‘Fame’ on television when I was growing up and how that was an exceptional magnet for me to want to explore the theater. I can only assume that ‘Smash’ is doing that for anyone who is halfway interested in theater already.  (Exceptional Quotes) I look forward to working alongside Univision’s exceptional team as we work to further realize the substantial growth potential of this dynamic organization.  (Exceptional Quotes) There are only 2 paths to happiness in life. Utter Stupidity or Exceptional Wealth.  (Exceptional Quotes) A good jockey has to be physically well balanced. They have to possess a strong upper body and a strong lower body. You’ve gotta have quick reflexes, and you’ve got to be incredibly coordinated. But it’s you’re instincts that have to be perfect. You can’t be an exceptional rider without instincts.  (Exceptional Quotes) I’m not a princess. My mother is, not I. I am the niece of a head of state. And with this status, I have some representational duties - nothing very constraining or very exceptional.  (Exceptional Quotes) Suicides? Heart attacks? The papers didn’t seem interested. The world was full of ways to die, too many to cover. Newsworthy deaths had to be exceptional. Most people go unobserved.  (Exceptional Quotes)
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